a meeting of minds
- and hearts

It's the
room built
for you
What if you could spend two days in a room created just
for people like you?
Not all nonprofits. Not all medical professionals.
But the intersection of the two.
welcome to

Doubletree Hotel
Arlington Heights, IL
We know it better than anyone:
When we connect, we can do anything.
Because ultimately, that’s why we chose it:
This mission. This calling. This life.
“This will make your virtual connections real.”
worth every mile
keynote addresses
Breakout Rooms
Networking sessions
Operational challenges and fundraising
What can out-of-town Bikur Cholim organizations learn from in-town ones – and vice versa
Navigating end-of-life decisions in the hospital and Halacha
Strategies for processing traumatic events
Innovations in medicine
Presenting the Jewish religion to non-Jews
Burnout and maintaining work/life balance
Case management: Common questions and solutions
Best practices for hospital-to-hospital transfer
Balancing Chesed and family: When crisis hits and you’re needed at home
HoRav Pinchus Eichenstein shlit"a
Zidichov Chodorov RebbeHoRav Zalman Leib Eichenstein shlit”a
Zidichover RebbeRabbi Eytan Feiner, shlit"a
Rav, Congregation Kneseth Israel, The White ShulRabbi Eliezer Gewirtzman, shlit"a
Chayim AruchimRabbi Nosson Muller Shlit"a
Menahel Yeshivas Tiferes TzviRabbi Chaim Landau
Bonei OlamRabbi Yochanon Klein
Healing Hearts Bikur CholimRabbi Boruch Ber Bender
AchiezerDr. Howard Lebowitz
LTAC Specialty Care Hospital of Central JerseyRabbi Sendy Ornstein
President - Relief & ResolveRabbi Mendy Reiner
RenewalRabbi Solomon Rosenberg
Patient Advocate, Montefiore HospitalDr. Dovid Friedman
CEO CHEMED Health CenterNochum Schoenfeld
CEO Midwest Refuah Health Center, Founding Partner of Cove Hill ConsultingReb Menashe Miller
Deputy Mayor of Lakewood, NJ and Director of Community Affairs, CHEMED Health CenterRabbi Tzvi Bider
CEO, The Chicago CenterRebbetzin Aviva Feiner
Rebbetzin of Congregation Kneseth Israel, The White Shul, Teacher at TAG high school , Stern College Popular women’s lecturerMrs. Shelly Botnick
ECHO Toronto
Led by leaders
Rabbi Yisroel Matzliach, Chicago Health Director,
has created NMAC311 – A meeting of minds for you.
Gold Sponsor

Bronze Sponsor

Friend Sponsor

To miss this
is to miss an opportunity
operational value
eye-opening perspectives
latest medical innovations
time & staff management
Have a question? Need clarification?
Reach out. We want to hear from you.